
Fall/Winter 2017 Editors Letter

November 1, 2017

Your wedding day is a celebration and we encourage 

you to laugh, get creative, and enjoy! If the 

idea of following the "rules" of wedding planning 

makes you break out in a cold sweat then throw 

the rule book out the window. Feel free to stray 

from tradition in order to create a truly signature 

event that reflects you as a couple.

In this issue you will find fresh ideas for your big 

day. A blue wedding dress, a pig-roast buffet, a 

sleeve of tattoos (that you refuse to cover - gasp!), 

and engagement photos without the meticulously 

planned outfits or unnatural poses. I hope you 

find the inspiration and courage to plan an event 

that is unapologetically you.

Create a day that makes your heart happy and it 

is sure to be a celebration you will never forget.

Happy Planning!


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